Standing with Immigrants
Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants is a collective voice seeking justice for immigrants.
Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants
Our Mission
Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants is a collective voice seeking justice for immigrants.
History, Mission, Ministries
A description of the work of Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants, as written by Sr. Bernadette Karge, appeared in a newsletter of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Read the article here.
Our Commitment
We, the Sisters and Brothers of Immigrants, welcome a new Pentecost into the city of Chicago and into our entire nation. Drawing our strength from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which promotes the dignity of every human being, and in solidarity with the 12 million undocumented immigrants in this country hungering for a path to citizenship, we commit ourselves to the following actions in support of responsible, respectful comprehensive immigration reform:
Praying for God’s intervention so that Congress will support comprehensive immigration reform aligned with the principles of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Catholic Campaign for Immigration Reform.
Contacting federal representatives by phone, letter, email or personal visit to garner their support for just and compassionate immigration reform.
We make this commitment out of reverence for the dignity of each person and each person’s fundamental right to life. We recognize an urgent duty and challenge to stand in solidarity with immigrants. Relying on the wisdom, courage and counsel of the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to call forth government’s responsibility to promote human dignity, to protect human rights and to build the common good.